Burns Science and Technology Charter School

Hygiene-friendly Faucets
Schools can be breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. In fact, nearly 22 million school days are lost annually to the common cold. Even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Burns Sci-Tech sought touch-free restroom products to make its campus as hygiene-friendly as possible. Sloan turbine-powered sensor-activated EFX-380 faucets delivered the ideal touch-free solution. By eliminating the need to touch faucet handles, Sloan’s sensor faucets not only contribute to hygienic handwashing, but they also guard against the vandalism common in elementary schools which results in excessive water bills. In addition to its functional benefits, Haskell cited the faucets’ sleek aesthetic featuring a polished chrome finish as an added benefit to the specification.

Sunshine State Water Savings
The average school can use more than 22,000 gallons of water a day, and restrooms can account for as much as one-third of that amount. Burns Sci-Tech is no exception, and Sloan flushometers are assisting in the school’s water conservation efforts. Burns Sci-Tech installed Sloan ST-2009 water closets and SU-1009 vitreous china washdown urinals, each equipped with ECOS 8111 dual flush and ECOS 8186 flushometers, respectively. With the help of Sloan water-saving fixtures, Burns Sci-Tech is able to achieve water savings of up to 30% by using Sloan’s dual flush technology and 50% with their high-efficiency urinals.

Products in this case study
“Sloan products have been a great addition to our campus restrooms. Their touch-free technology helps make the restrooms hygiene-friendly while really providing an aesthetic element at the same time.”