Los Angeles Convention Center
*Interior photographs by Hedrich Blessing

Hybrid Efficiency.
Inefficient trough-style urinals were replaced with 18 Sloan Hybrid Urinals. The HYB-1000 models were chosen not only because they help save thousands of gallons of fresh water each year, they also helped to earn the LACC the LEED credits needed to obtain a Gold Level rating.

Looking Smart.
A total of 224 urinals throughout the facility were replaced with battery powered, side-mount Sloan Royal® flushometers. Using Sloan’s Smart Sense Technology™, the Royal 186 single flush side mount (SFSM) 0.125 gpf flushometer for a urinal significantly reduces water use. In addition, the water closets were updated with Royal 111 dual flush side mount (DFSM) 1.6/1.1 gpf flushometers. The new, more efficient urinal flushometers and water closet flushometers provided significant water savings, especially in a high-use application like the LACC.
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Because of these updates, the facility received $225,000 in California rebates for using high-efficiency models in addition to a LEED Gold certification. We definitely saw an ROI.