Hotel Erwin
*Interior photographs by Hedrich Blessing

Cool Convenience.
With its single deep basin, touchless automatic chrome faucets, soap dispensers and hand dryers, the AER-DEC Integrated Sink System’s clean, cool and convenient design lets customers spend less time in the bathroom and more time enjoying the sunset from the rooftop bar, all while conserving energy.

Sustainable Savings.
With AER-DEC Integrated Sink, Hotel Erwin will save money by eliminating the need for paper towels and reducing maintenance, saving up to 95% in operation costs as well as conserving energy.
I knew I wanted a trough-type sink. It worked for the layout and I wanted something more contemporary. We knew it was going to get crowded and get a lot of use, so it just made more sense rather than having individual sinks. Of course, having the dryer and soap and everything all in one station made sense for cleanliness and ease of use.