O’Hare International Airport
*Interior photographs by Hedrich Blessing

Clean baby, sans bath water.
The fully customizable AER-DEC, which includes a touch-free soap dispenser, faucet, hand dryer and sink basin in one, improves hand hygiene and eliminates drippings on wet floors for a safer, cleaner environment. The adjustable flow rates on the AER-DEC also help save up to 67% more water.

High-efficiency, hands down.
Sloan sensor-operated Optima® electronic ETF-610 faucets provide a water-efficient flow rate of .5 gpm.

Everlasting flush.
No need for battery changes on the Royal® ES-S Hardwired Flush Valve.
Products in this case study
We are constantly looking for ways to improve the customer experience and be mindful about using natural resources. The AER-DEC is specifically designed with new mothers study rooms in mind as a quiet place for them to nurse or pump before a flight. Sloan is the leader in commercial, responsible restroom products—that’s why we use them today and have for the last 30-plus years.